Monday 2 April 2007

Attention Hogs

Did you ever have that one friend who no matter what the situation ALWAYS had to be right in the middle of it? If it isn't all about them, they try to make it about them. Like say for instance, the coolest thing that ever happened to you just happened and you're all excited to tell people about it and then along comes the attention hog who spends the next hour telling about something similar, only way cooler, that happened to them five years ago.

What kind of barren, hollow, unfulfilled life must someone be living if every waking moment they feel the need to push their presence to the forefront to be noticed by others. Maybe they are oblivious as to how pathetic it looks to sacrifice their dignity seeking only the approval of the people standing around them. I find it absolutely rebarbative.

That's the Merriam Webster Online word of the day:

rebarbative • \rih-BAR-buh-tiv\ • adjective
: repellent, irritating

Don't you find it rebarbative when someone is so desperate for attention that they'll think of anything just to have an excuse to talk about themselves. I know a guy like that. ATTENTION HOG! Even stooping so low as to hog to himself five entries in a row on a blog that is supposed to be a collaboration. And its not like he even has anything interesting to say...he's just regurgitating words out of the dictionary to hear the sound of his own voice. Ugh. Rebarbative indeed!


Atomic Punk said...

Ya, I know people like that. Greedy bastards. :P

Unknown said...

Yay! A comment! Thank you for the attention...I feel validated now.

Atomic Punk said...

Now, go return the favor :)

Unknown said...

But that would be making you the center of attention. I don't know if I can handle that...oh, okay. Fine.

Ricardo Victoria said...

You can comment of my entry. I need the attention or I will be depressed about life... hmm that reminded me of someone, you two who I'm talking about. :P

Anonymous said...