Tuesday 13 May 2008

I know how LOST ends!

Last night I had a dream about the final episode of LOST. If it turns out to be true, then LOST will go down in history as one of the creepiest shows known to mankind. Read on at your own risk, it isn't pretty.

In my dream, the producers of LOST arranged to have the last episode played in movie theaters instead of on television. I of course had tickets. It started out pretty well, Michael was being chased through the jungle by the smoke monster...actually TWO smoke monsters and then the scary part...everything changed from live action to cartoon...Dr. Seuss style. The smoke monsters at this point looked a bit like the Grinch. Michael looked like a citizen of HooVille. Then the music started. The smoke monsters and Michael did a song and dance number that ended with the monsters catching Michael and throwing him in their refrigerator which already contains all of the other LOST characters. The scene ended with Michael singing a mournful song called "I Never Wanted to End Up as a Human Pez Dispenser".

Then credits roll and the lights come up. The theater was silent. I looked around and everyone appeared as disgusted as I was. "That's how it ends?" someone said. Then there was crying, rioting, general mayhem, etc.

So there it is, the end of LOST. If it turns out to be the actual ending, sorry I spoiled it for you.


Atomic Punk said...

DAMN YOU!!! Why did I read that? Now I can never watch LOST again.

Ricardo Victoria said...

Do you realize you that you have just killed his innocence?

On the other hand that is the only ending that it would make sense at this time.

Atomic Punk said...

Still better than the ending we got.