Wednesday 28 May 2008

Gnonggy Mounit

It looks like the blog has been given new life recently. WingedLion reappeared again out of nowhere. It's great to see him back. And I've enjoyed Sawyer's "Lyrics Of The Day" over the past few weeks. I'm not in the habit of putting much thought to the words of a song while I'm listening, so to see them spelled out on a page helps me experience another side of music that I usually overlook.

I think I'm a lot like a kid in that way. Kids don't care about the words. If you've got the tune, just throw in the right amount of syllables...hopefully get some of the vowel sounds to match close enough and you've got yourself a song. Remember the "Buckwheat Sings" skit on Saturday Night Live?

I've got a little Buckwheat that lives in my house. The older daughter, when she was a toddler, used to sing "She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain" at the top of her lungs. At least I think it was "She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain". The actual lyrics were something like: Shebbe Cumbin Rahnja Mancha Wenshee Cubs...

Fast forward five years later and she's into much cooler stuff, she's graduated from Barney and moved into more mature music like The Chipmunks. She's still a little Buckwheat though. I've been listening to her sing "Funky Town" for that past three weeks. There's a part right before the chorus that's supposed to go:
Well, I talk about it, talk about it
talk about it, talk about it
Talk about, talk about, talk about movin’

What comes out of her mouth is:
Wahleye gnonggy mounit, gnonggy mounit, gnonggy mounit, gnonggy mounit, gnonggy mount, gnonggy mount movies.

You've got all the elements of a good song. She's right on tune, right on beat, she's not missing any syllables, the vowels all match. That's good stuff right there. That's what I'm gnonggy mount.


Atomic Punk said...

LOL too many aliases I guess, I`m not Sawyer here, I`m Atomic Punk.

Unknown said...

D'OH!!! I knew that.