Thursday 31 May 2007

At the Movies: Shrek the Third

There's only five minutes left in May so I thought I'd squeeze in one last post to help the count for the month. If you're looking for something to read with substance, this is not it. This is basically filler material. :D

Anyhoo...I saw a movie two weekends ago called Shrek the Third. It was pretty cool, you should go see it. How's that for a movie review? Not very good? Okay I'll expand on that a little I guess.

The good: The dream sequence. I won't tell you which part that is but I laughed my butt off. Seriously. It came right off. I had to crawl under my seat and peel it off the sticky movie theater floor. Good thing I always am near a supply of the handyman's secret weapon. Duct tape.

The bad: I'm sorry, I just don't appreciate cross dressing jokes, especially when I'm watching a movie with my young daughters. The wicked stepsisters are inappropriate humor for a movie that kids are watching, the voices are just...wrong. I'll never be able to look at Larry King the same way again. Less sexual deviants please, and more making fart bubbles in the bath. That's good stuff right there.

The ugly: It's Shrek. You go into the theater expecting lots of ugly. It's the ugly that makes the movie awesome. I know I can't be the only person who is tired of seeing movies starring perfect people with their perfect teeth and perfect hair, wearing their perfect clothes and driving their perfect cars...what was the movie I saw a few weeks ago, it had Toby Keith in it and the main actress was a single mom struggling to make ends meet who of course drove a shiny new Mustang and had perfect hair and nails...see what I'm talking about? It's not very realistic. Shrek the Third, even though it's all computer generated, speaks more to reality to me than most live action things coming out of Hollywood. Shrek helps me remember that reality isn't plastic surgery and airbrushed photos. Reality is having an itchy butt and getting baby puke on yourself.

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