Friday 15 June 2007

Compelling argument about Global Warming

Starting a new month (almost to weeks later :P) I present you thise video of a guy who makes a very compelling argument in favor of taking action to prevent Global Warming and its consequences, in a way that doesn't need to argue the other side that doens't agree. It a well done reasoning and I agree with him. Take it a look.

You might agree or not with global warming, but if is the latter, take a couple of minutes to analyize what this guy said and then see if he is right or no. For me at least, the answer is yes.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The flaw in his logic is that he is suggesting that people should make an uneducated guess between row one and row two. Through more research and study we should be able to make a more informed choice. For example, (without arguing either side) suppose you could give a reasonable probability for one instance over the other, like 80% vs. 20% or 70% vs. 30%, wouldn't that cause you to weigh the decision a little differently? It might take longer to come to that conclusion but I would prefer that to leaving it up to a flip of the coin.