Monday 7 May 2007

There Are Two Kinds of People in This World

I know what you're thinking. To make this statement is a gross over generalization. It is evidenced just by the makeup of our three contributors that there are at least three different kinds of people. But if you really think about it, it's true. Take anything, sauerkraut for instance. People either like it or dislike it. There aren't a lot of "undecideds." I'm finding this to be more true with other things as well.

As a philosopher once profoundly said, "There are two types of people in this world: Those who like Neil Diamond, and those who don't." I think it was Bill Murray in What About Bob? He said those words just slightly ahead of his time. In 1991 there may have still existed shades of grey. What wisdom and forsight he exhibited in predicting that less than two decades later, opinions about--everything--would become so polarized. In no U.S. presidential election since then has any candidate received more than 52% of the vote. We are divided smack down the middle.

People are for abortion or against it. You like the New York Yankees or you hate them. You are a Kobe Bryant fan or you can't stand him. You like the smell of gasoline or you think it stinks. You love to do Tae Bo or you think those people are on crack. Ever since John Kerry, it just is not cool to be on the fence. Oh, that reminds me of another like flip flop sandals or you will never wear them.

Is it a sign of insecurity that people have to be so sure of themselves? Or maybe it is actually a sign of confidence? See what I did there? I took the middle ground. And by putting question marks at the end of my statements I ensured that I will never be held accountable for claiming either point of view. I am beginning to see the advantages of being wishy washy. If I keep this up, no one will ever be able to tell me I'm wrong ever again. And that's the most important thing in life is to never be wrong, or at least be able to claim that you were not totally wrong. Right? Or maybe it's not the most important thing but in the top ten of the list of important things. On the other hand, it could be completely unimportant. It depends. I guess.

I think I like this approach to thinking, or maybe not. It is good to stand firm on your convictions and I think everyone should be a little more mule headed, or maybe not, I don't know. What this world definitely doesn't need is more second-guessers and Monday morning quarterbacks...or maybe its exactly what we need. We need people who will make decisions and stand by them, or perhaps people willing to revisit the way things are done would be better, I'm not exactly sure what my opinion of that is. But one thing is for darn tootin'. (that's a phrase that originates from Canada...or maybe it was Minnesota) For darn tootin' sure, this blog post is a political commentary. Or maybe it is a morality commentary. Wait, it kind of reads like an excuse to go watch What About Bob? again. Maybe I should tag it as a movie review...


Ricardo Victoria said...

While I realize that most of the times the middle ground is the most advisable course of action, especially when you lack the pertinant information to support any side or the topic is to delicate to take an absolute stance (e.g abortion), there are times when one needs to draw a line in the sand, take a stand and speak your mind, especially when you see an injustice or simply a person got to your nerves and is time to give them a lesson.

Unknown said...

I completely agree. But I also totally disagree. Take your pick. :P

Atomic Punk said...

people who like Star Wars, and people who wish they were as cool as those of us who do.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.