Saturday 31 March 2007

Surfing MySpace for tunes.

I was just chilling at home tonight doing something I hardly ever spend time doing any more. Playing music. I've been working pretty hard lately and now that I've had a bit of time to just "chill" I thought I'd spend the evening reminiscing old tunes from back in the day and maybe look around a little to maybe discover something I haven't heard before. And I'll even share by linking to the MySpace pages of some bands I enjoyed tonight.

First of all I started with something familiar, a couple of bands I listened to a lot as a teenager: Mother Love Bone and Temple of the Dog. I don't think I come across music very often that I appreciate as much as the music of these two bands.

Considering that the last new artist I've heard that really blew me away to that extent is Ben Folds (and I first heard of him about 12 years ago), it hit me that maybe I'm just not looking hard enough to find new music to appreciate. So I spent a couple of hours just browsing artists on MySpace in search of my new favorite thing.

Here's a few artists who caught my attention enough to mention.
Dan Torres - Kind of reminds me a little bit of Jeff Buckley. Kind of.
John Erikson - Reminds me of Chris Cornell...not so much the voice but the song "Blue Skies" is eerily similar to Cornell's "Sunshowers". "Chains" is a toe-tapper. Hmmmm. I sorta like it but I don't know how I'll feel about it tomorrow.
Karma Cowboys - WOW! I am going to listen to this one again. Probably a lot. "Shine On Tomorrow"
Piper McKinnon - Great songwriting.Her voice is pretty good too.

That's all I've got tonight. That was fun, I'll do this more often.

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